
Showing posts with the label electronics basics


                 LM386 DIP-package   The LM386 is a dip package OP_AMP specialized for low power audio amplifications still using in these day. there are different types of LM386 versions I'm using LM386 N-4...depending upon the variation the input voltage can vary... for my chip its "min=4V" to "max=18V"    , it has nearly power gain of 1W and 1W may not sound enough but it's enough for a mono audio output speaker. Here are some best youtube videos on op amp by various youtubers .  best project videos on op amps . [Note: before you go make this circuit i recommend powering it with some 9V or 6V battery of walladapter less than 5W or so.] the below circuit is by   AFROTECHMODS  a nice video on building a 1w mono amplifer circuit  using a lm386.  i'm using the circuit in datasheet with gain of A = 200.      The Vin is audio source like a mp3 files container like phone or pc. The it ...

The reactance of capacitors and Inductors

 The "reactance👊" is a fancy way of saying the word "Resistance✊" for an inductor or capacitor. well we denote the symbol "X" instead of  "R" . The capacitor acts as a frequency dependent resistor in here, well the reactance of the capacitor(Xc) increases with decreasing of frequency. In math we call it as inverse relation(Xc ∝ 1/F). here in this figure we can see that "Xc"(reactance of capacitor) decreased with increasing "F". so the Xc can be expressed as  The Inductor acts as a frequency dependent resistor in here well the reactance of the inductor(X L ) increases with Increasing of frequency. in math we call it as proportional relation(X L  ∝ F). here in this figure we can see that "X L "(reactance of inductor) decreased with decreasing "F". Or increase as increase in frequency. so the X L can be expressed as


This post helps you to understand when to use BJT’s. Transistors are one of the best invention that changed the human life, computer uses transistors to work and every sequential logic boards also. But we are interested in using transistors for switching! Heavy loads. Basic functioning of transistor is Switching ON and OFF electronically, this is useful to turn devices or circuit on or off. So this transistors best variants are BJT’s and MOSFET’s, we going to discuss about BJT’s today. BJT stands for "BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTOR" which is also like DIODE but can be used to switch heavy loads with CURRENT control . The bjt’s are 2 types 1) N_TYPE      2) P_TYPE we are going to discuss about N_TYPE today. It is true Mosfet’s can reduce the power dissipation up to 20%, also they can be controlled with voltage unlike current control it is easy, BUT there exist another variants of bjt which is Power transistors(Darlington pair) , which can control the hea...


This post helps you to understand when to use mosfet’s instead BJT’s. Transistors are one of the best invention that changed the human life, computer uses transistors to work and every sequential logic boards also. But we are interested in using transistors for switching! Heavy loads. Basic functioning of transistor is Switching ON and OFF electronically, this is useful to turn devices or circuit on or off. So this transistors best variants are BJT’s and MOSFET’s, we going to discuss about MOSFET’s today. MOSFET stands for "METAL OXIDE SEMICONDUCTOR FEILD EFFECT TRANSISTOR" which is also like bjt's but can be used to switch heavy loads with VOLTAGE control , unlike bjt's where you have to control using current and power loss is greater in BJT . Mosfet’s can reduce the power dissipation upto 20%, also they can be controlled with voltage unlike current control it is easy. Mosfet’s are 2 types 1 ) ENHANCEMENT TYPE    2) DEPLETION TYPE But one downside is MOSFET gate vol...