1 Best way to add members to Telegram group(2021 using python)

This post for those who want to add members to thier telegram group, which could take forever if we do manually, hence we can automate this take. I 'm using python for this automation. Using the python script called telethon we can add members to the group. T he daliy limit is 200 members. The script adds members with 60-180 sec intervals to avoid bans. you need the following installed in your computer : 1.python 3 (recent one would be better) 2.pip install of python installed(we can enable this option while install python choosing custom install) 3.telethon package installed using pip installer. 4.telegram group api registered in the telegram website. 5.good internet(mandatory) 1.Install python 3 CODE : visit python.org for downloading and installing the windows pacakge. Note: 1.choose the custom installing to enable necessary installers in windows. 2.if you are on the linux or mac python is defaultly ins...